Welcome to the section where you can find out about the Coopers’ Old Boys’ Lodge in particular. Here we have included some information about our history, specifically details about our first 25 years which also covers the idea for and consecration of our Lodge as well as the venues we have met at. We have also included some information about the School from which the Lodge gets its name, and finally details of when and where the Lodge meets
Coopers’ Old Boys’ Lodge is over 90 years old. We have included here some details of our first 25 years…
The Ceremony of Consecration took place on Monday 3rd November 1930 in the Grand Temple at Freemasons Hall in London…
Coopers’ Old Boys’ Lodge No. 5211 was sponsored by Borough of Stepney Lodge No. 2884…
Over the years, the Lodge has met at several venues…
The Lodge has a very close association with the Coopers’ Company (and Coborn) School, from which it takes its name…
The Lodge meets in London four times a year…